IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please read the new order update page

Order Update Page

Since a lot has happened since the opening of this shop, I thought I would make an update page to give a little more transparency. I'm always happy to answer questions individually, but I believe it would save some time to log these updates publicly as well.

To start out, I'll be summarizing everything from July to now, but they'll be ideally in real time going forward.

July 8th 2024 - September 18th 2024
Apartment Fire, Homelessness, and New Work Space

On July 8th 2024, my upstairs neighbors apartment had a major fire. The high heat combined with the water from the firefighters rendered the place unlivable and damaged some of my stock and packaging. Fortunately, everyone and my machines survived, but for nearly 2 months I was completely homeless. A nearby homeowner graciously allowed me to run my machines so I may continue manufacturing blank figures, but for that time that was all I could do. If it weren't for the overwhelming support of the Ratboy Genius Figurines, I would still be on the scorching streets today. I am very grateful!

On August 30th 2024 I got a new apartment with an office. I immediately got to work to catch up with my set deadline for the Ratboy Genius Figurine preorder. So far it's looking like I may meet it yet!

As of September 18th 2024, I have about 65% of my July (and June technically as my premade figures were ruined) Ratboy Genius Figurine orders finished. Many just need their faces, clothes, and limbs painted, then sealed! All I ask is that y'all bare with me for a little longer.

Lastly, the reason it has taken me so long to write this here is because most of the time I did not have internet access, and if I did it was not reliable at all. Only recently have I regained access to the internet and my PC, where I prefer to do anything business related.

Figurine pieces drying on sticks